Thursday 23 April 2015

[Straits Times] Refusing to work with someone over beliefs is discrimination

LOOKING at the experiences of countries overseas, where lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues have been politicised by LGBT activists to the point where societies become polarised, I hope Singaporeans and businesses here will not go down this route ("Ikea working on solution for magic show"; Tuesday and "Ikea to continue with magic show tie-up"; yesterday).
Just as it is discriminating if you choose not to work with someone who is gay or is a pro-abortionist, it is similarly discriminating if you decide not to work with someone just because of his personal religious beliefs.
Singapore is a secular country where decisions, especially business decisions, which have the potential to impact many, should be made based on merit, not on pressure by any activist group.
Businesses must take firm actions and make decisions to show that they do not allow themselves to be swayed by such pressure, and that any business decision taken is for the benefit of its consumers and not coloured by the ideology of a particular group.
Edmund Augustine Loh Siew Kuan