Saturday 31 January 2015

[Today] Why subsidise half-day childcare centres, but not kindergartens?

I hope the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) can clarify some queries regarding the report “NTUC to launch new kindergarten programme, 10 pre-schools this year” (Jan 22).

Why are childcare centres allowed to run kindergarten programmes, which are typically four hours or fewer per day?

If these centres cater to parents who need only half-day programmes, what kind of parents should kindergartens cater to?

The Government now subsidises such half-day programmes in commercial childcare centres, but not in commercial kindergartens.

What is the rationale for this difference in treatment? Both are running “kindergarten” or half-day programmes.

If childcare centres can run half-day programmes and receive subsidies, parents who send their children to kindergartens should receive the same level of subsidies in all fairness.

The ECDA should set clear pre-school guidelines: Childcare centres can only run full-day programmes, while kindergartens can only run half-day programmes. Parents who need only half-day programmes should thus send their children to kindergartens instead of childcare centres.