Saturday 28 March 2015

[Today] Honour his legacy by not forgetting his wisdom

It is heart-warming to see Singaporeans from all walks of life unanimous in our appreciation of our founding father’s contributions to Singapore.

As we are reminded poignantly of the enormity and intensity of Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s hopes and devotion to Singapore as his life’s work, let us reflect on what Singaporeans should cherish, looking forward.

We can all agree that he never stopped worrying for Singapore, like a father for his child’s well-being, even in frailty.

Like many children, even after growing up, we perhaps remained blissfully ignorant of how blessed we were to have had an ever watchful father.

As the nation feels the sorrow of this loss, let us make it a point not to allow our hard-fought camaraderie forged by Mr Lee’s legacy to slide.

Let us not forget his lessons, messages and, most importantly, the hopes he harboured for us like a preaching father, whose absence is keenly missed only when we realise that what he had arduously imparted was always right.

Singapore should commemorate Mr Lee’s legacy with a day dedicated to him and with simple, yet visible, moments of reflection each time on that day, so that should we ever go astray, we would recall his wisdom.

May Singapore rally on and do him proud.