Monday 25 May 2015

[Straits Times] Educate people on donation etiquette

AFTER news of the Nepal earthquake broke, relief efforts swarmed into the country from many nations and groups around the world, including Singapore.
While many of us helped with cash donations, some organised donation drives to collect needed items to be sent to Nepal.
However, some Singaporeans simply treated the donation drive as a kind of rubbish dump for their unwanted items - which included expired medicine and old bras ("Some donated items 'of no use' to survivors"; May 7).
I have been involved in a few donation drives and have experienced the same situation.
Educating the public on this issue is very important.
Although many Singaporeans truly want to do their part to support a good cause, a lack of knowledge might hinder relief efforts.
Non-profit groups organising donation drives should consider holding talks and sharing sessions on basic donation etiquette.
Angie Lee Anqi (Miss)